Delivery & Returns

Shipping & Delivery

We ship within the United Kingdom using Royal Mail 48hr tracked service.

We do not ship internationally. 

How to return an item


If you are not satisfied with your purchase please contact us at within 7 days from the date of purchase to arrange a refund or exchange. The item must then be sent back to us within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Return shipping for a refund or exchange is the responsibility of the customer but we will happily cover the cost of returning the exchanged item. You can manage this by heading to Royal Mail's returns website here. Items must be unused and be in their original packaging.

If these conditions are not met the refund or exchange will not be processed. Refunds and exchanges will be processed within 7 days of receiving the returned item.

The return delivery address for MetalCraft is:

UNIT 24 The Oaks Farm Workshops, Blackboys Road, Framefield, Uckfield, East Sussex.TN22 5PN

Eligibility to Purchase

The purchase of products from MetalCraft is limited only to parties who can enter into and form contracts in accordance with United Kingdom law.

Customers must provide their real name, phone number, e-mail address and other requested information. When providing payment details, customers must warrant that the payment details provided are theirs and are both valid and correct. is only available to customers who meet our terms of eligibility.

Pricing Policy

All prices in the shopping areas are in Pounds Sterling (GBP£) and include VAT (20% sales tax).

Stock Availability

If an item is temporarily out of stock due to the volume of sales, we aim to fulfil all out-of-stock items within 14 days. Should there be any further delays, we will try our best to be in contact.

How does MetalCraft us my Personal Details?

MetalCraft is committed to protecting you and your business information when you are using our services. This privacy policy relates to our use of any information you provide to us through the MetalCraft website. In order to provide you with the full range of services, we may be required to collect information about you.

This privacy policy explains:

What information MetalCraft may collect about you.

How MetalCraft will use the information we collect.

When MetalCraft may use your details to contact you.

Whether MetalCraft will disclose your details to anyone else.

Your choices regarding the personal information you have provided to us.

Whenever you provide such information, MetalCraft is legally obliged to use your information in line with all laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the data protection act 1998.

The website contains hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. These third party websites have their own privacy policies, including cookies, and we urge you to review them. They will govern the use of personal information submitted or collected by cookies whilst visiting these websites. MetalCraft limited does not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites. Your use of such websites is at your own risk.

The information MetalCraft will collect about you

When you sign up to participate in or receive services from MetalCraft (eg newsletters, general enquiries or to offer feedback), we may ask for personal information. This might be your name, email or postal address, telephone or mobile number. Different web pages may ask for different personal information. By providing us with these details, you enable MetalCraft to provide you with the services you select. How will MetalCraft use information collected about me?

MetalCraft will use personal information for a number of purposes, including the following:

For “service administration purposes”, which means that MetalCraft may contact you for reasons related to a service you have signed up for. To contact you about any feedback you have made to the website, including any content you provide. To personalise the way MetalCraft content is presented IP addresses are used to identify the location of users, the number of visits from different countries and also to block disruptive use; and to analyse and improve the services offered on, eg to provide you with the most user-friendly navigation experience.

MetalCraft may contact you:
In relation to the functioning of any service for which you have registered

Where you have opted to receive further correspondence following an in ition

In relation to any contribution you have made, eg via contact forms

To invite you to participate in voluntary surveys about MetalCraft

For marketing purposes where you have specifically agreed.

Will I be contacted for marketing purposes?

MetalCraft will only contact you for marketing purposes or to promote new services, if you specifically agree to be contacted for these purposes or if you have used our online contact forms.

Will MetalCraft share my personal information?
MetalCraft will keep your information confidential except where disclosure is required or permitted by law (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies) or as described below. Generally, we will only use your information within MetalCraft.

Offensive or inappropriate content

If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content to MetalCraft, or otherwise engage in disruptive behaviour on, MetalCraft may use your personal information to stop such behaviour.

Where MetalCraft reasonably believes that you are or may be in breach of any of the laws of england or wales (eg because content you have posted may be defamatory), MetalCraft may use your personal information to inform relevant third parties such as your employer, email/internet provider or law enforcement agencies about the content.

Can I find out what information MetalCraft has about me?
Under the data protection act you have the right to request a copy of the personal information MetalCraft holds about you, and to have inaccuracies corrected. (you will be required to prove your identity with two pieces of approved photographic identification.) we will use reasonable efforts to supply, correct or delete personal information about you on our files

Changes to MetalCraft privacy policy

This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. You may wish to check it each time you submit personal information to The date of the most recent revisions will appear on this page.

If you have any questions in relation to this policy, please email

What is a Cookie Policy?

At MetalCraft we use cookies to provide a better experience for you as a customer or site visitor. By continuing to visit or use our Services, you are agreeing to the use of cookies and similar technologies for the purposes described in this policy.

What technologies are used?

A cookie is a small file placed onto your device that enables MetalCraft website, features and functionality. Any browser visiting our sites may receive cookies from us or cookies from third parties such as our customers, partners or service providers. We or third parties may also place cookies in your browser when you visit non-theheightonagency sites that display ads.

We use two types of cookies: persistent cookies and session cookies. A persistent cookie may help us recognize you as an existing user, so it’s easier to return to our website or interact with our Services. A persistent cookie stays in your browser and will be read by MetalCraft when you return to our site.

Session cookies last only as long as the session (usually the current visit to a website or a browser session).


A pixel is a tiny image that may be found within web pages and emails, requiring a call (which provides device and visit information) to our servers in order for the pixel to be rendered in those web pages and emails. We use pixels to learn more about your interactions with email content or web content, such as whether you interacted with ads or content. Pixels can also enable us and third parties to place cookies on your browser.

Local storage

Local storage enables a website or application to store information locally on your device(s). Local storage may be used to improve the overall website experience, for example, by enabling features, remembering your preferences and speeding up site functionality.

Other similar technologies

We also use other tracking technologies, such as mobile advertising IDs and tags for similar purposes as described in this Cookie Policy. References to similar technologies in this policy includes pixels, local storage, and other tracking technologies.

Please note that the names of cookies and similar technologies may change over time.

What are these technologies used for?

Below we describe the purposes for which we use these technologies.


We use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our Services.


We use cookies and similar technologies to make your interactions with our Services faster and more secure.

Preferences, features and services

We use cookies and similar technologies to enable the functionality of our Services, such as helping you to fill out forms on our Services more easily and providing you with features, insights and customized content in conjunction with our plugins. We also use these technologies to remember information about your browser and your preferences.

For example, cookies can tell us which language you prefer and what your communications preferences are. We may also use local storage to speed up site functionality.

Customised content

We use cookies and similar technologies to customize your experience on our Services.

For example, we may use cookies to remember previous searches so that when you return to our services, we can offer additional information that relates to your previous search.


Cookies and similar technologies help us show relevant advertising to you more effectively, both on and off our Services and to measure the performance of such ads. We use these technologies to learn whether content has been shown to you or whether someone who was presented with an ad later came back and took an action (e.g., downloaded an article or white paper or made an enquiry) on another site. Similarly, our partners or service providers may use these technologies to determine whether we’ve shown an ad or a post and how it performed or provide us with information about how you interact with ads.

We may also work with our customers and partners to show you an ad on or off our website, such as after you’ve visited a customer’s or partner’s site or application. These technologies help us to provide aggregated information to our customers and partners.

Performance, analytics and research

Cookies and similar technologies help us learn more about how well our Services and plugins perform in different locations.

We or our service providers use these technologies to understand, improve, and research products, features and services, including as you navigate through our site. We, or our service providers, use these technologies to determine and measure the performance of ads on and off MetalCraft website and to learn whether you have interacted with our websites, content or emails and provide analytics based on those interactions.


UNIT 24 The Oaks Farm Workshops

Blackboys Road, Framfield

Uckfield, East Sussex. TN22 5PN

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